Inhibition Tests

CowSide II

Charm Cowside II tests paredzēts inhibitoru un antibiotiku klātbūtnes noteikšanai svaigpienam un pasterizētam govs pienam. Tas nosaka visas galvenās antibiotiku klases: beta laktāmus, sulfonamīdus, tetraciklīnus, makrolīdus un aminoglikozīdus. 3 stundu tests, analogs "delvotest"

cowside2 KitCharm Cowside II Test is a broad-spectrum inhibition test typically used for screening of raw commingled and ultra-pasteurized cow milk on the farm. It detects all major classes of antibiotics: beta-lactams, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, macrolides, and aminoglycosides. Eleven drugs are detected at or below US Safe Levels and 30 drugs at or below EU MRLs.

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swab-KISThe Charm Kidney Inhibition Swab (KIS) test is an inhibition test used to detect antimicrobial drugs in fresh or thawed kidney tissue. The KIS test is used most frequently by USDA-FSIS inspectors to test beef and pork kidney in slaughter facilities. The KIS test has also been adapted for on-farm testing of antibiotics in water, feed extracts, poultry serum and live animal urine and serum samples, making it an ideal tool for pre-harvest HACCP. USDA inspectors began using the KIS test to test cattle and swine for antibiotics prior to 2011.

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Blue Yellow II


blue-yellowCharm Blue Yellow II detects 29 antimicrobial drugs in milk at or below EU MRLs. It has the lowest false-positive rate of evaluated inhibition tests that detect antimicrobials in milk. This microbial inhibition assay is used for high volume screening of raw commingled and ultra-pasteurized cow milk. The test can also be used to test for goat and sheep milk using a modified procedure with an extended incubation time.

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